Is Ninja training just another word for Gymnastics? (Get your kids excited about moving!)

Every home in Australia has been swept up by the Ninja craze, thanks to Australian Ninja Warrior, and we love it! Why? Because it is getting kids moving!

Exercise is important for kids. Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better, which allows their body to rest and grown properly. They’re also better able to handle physical and emotional challenges — from running to catch a bus to studying for and sitting a test.


So when it comes down to it, is there really that big of a difference between training to be a ninja and training to be a gymnast? Here at FCGC we don’t think so! Every day, in everyone one of our classes, gymnasts are taught and practice all the skills needed to be a ninja. We work on strength development, of both the muscle and mind, our gymnasts are taught how to safely climb up and land off different obstacles and every day our gymnasts are faced with the challenge of trying something new which is hard for them.



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We love to see kids move, to create happy and healthy minds and bodies. So for the remainder of 2017 FCGC will be offering “Ninja Traning” in all of our gymnastics classes to get kids excited about moving again!

FCGC is excited to continue offering what we have always done but make it more exciting and fresh for the kids. During term 4 of classes, rather than having a strength and condition component to classes we will be doing “Ninja Traning.” All the same strength components we have always worked but with a ninja twist. For some reason if you ask a kid to to jump onto a bar and hang there for as long as they can they’re not very interested. Alternatively if you call that very same activity the “Jumping Spider Ninja” you will have kids hanging off that bar until they physically can’t hold on any longer.

We can’t wait to see the new skills our gymnasts are going to learn by becoming more engaged through this new program style and it all kicks off this weekend with our Ninja Day! Hope to see you there.

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Did you know that FCGC had a gymnast in the first season on Ninja Warrior? Adult Gymnast, Tash, who trains with us weekly made it to the hardest obstacle course in the world and gave it a really good go! Check out her run in the link below.


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